Monday, 1 February 2016

N 14 deg 19', E 135 deg 18' -- Race 7, Day

So, after having slept on it, at least for 2.5 hours before the sweltering
heat of 9am woke me up, and given it some thought... I'm STILL pissed off
at Clipper for moving the goalposts mid-race.

That said, you don't come here to read me complaining about their poor
planning, you come to read about the race. And I've decided to take a cue
from my teammates, most of whom are no less pissed off but are being more
stoic about it. Might as well make the most of this while I'm here.

I'll then let Clipper have it with both barrels once I'm done with the
race. (You, of course, are still welcome to let them know what you think.)

One thing I have decided to do is stop writing any official blogs. I don't
really feel like contributing to their PR machine, and I'd rather save my
material for here.

Unfortunately, after that lead-in I don't actually have much to say today.
The sailing is steady, with the wind down a bit and the sun out. We
continue to cover a lot of miles, though we're no longer celebrating as we
hit milestones, seeing as how the endpoint is so arbitrary. The biggest
story of the day is about a girl who vomited everywhere, but I suspect that
even that is more information than anyone wants.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there. Take it all in, its an experience after all. It will throw new challenges at you every other day. Its all part of the experience and everything happens for a reason. Goodluck!
